Pretty Little Penny

Friday, September 23, 2011

Who Needs Kids When.....

We have Him!!
Meet Tucker "booger"
He's 9 Weeks Today! And is Getting His second set of shots.. (wish me luck)
He is one of the biggest joys in our life But he gets the nick name "booger" for a For MANY reasons.
Tuck Is the baby of our family, and we all know that along with being the baby of the family comes with being spoiled, bratty,full of attitude  and Cute.. That is tuck to a T. You may wonder how such a cute little thing like tucker could be such a little turd.
He wakes you up in the middle of the night.
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This was Last night... or shall I say .. this morning! Yes.. 12:30 in the AM
I was just about asleep when all of a sudden my hair starts getting attacked by non other.. Booger. I tried my best to just ignore it.. but you cant really ignore something like that. So as I laid there contemplating killing him.. I got up, got the Prettiest outfit on I could, and yes.. we went for a walk around the block.. not once.. not twice.. but three times. Thank heavens nobody saw me. .. although I do think that my blue and orange new york jersey looks great with my red jacket, and black and yellow sweats.. I looked pretty Smokin!

He only falls asleep if your touching him..
As you can tell from my shirt.. this picture is from last night as well.
While writing my talk, Tuck started on one end of the couch.. and somehow.. someway, literally sleep scooted his little tail up onto my lap and there he stayed.

He Eats Everything!.. including grass and cardboard boxes.
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At the Farmers market..
Brushing tucks teeth.. he loved it! He ate probably 5 tooth brushes, and decided that the best place to lay was on the underside of the table cloth. He pulled it of a total of 5 times. 

 Beside all of the Puppy traits that came along with tuck he's already my best friend.

He doesn't leave my side
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We take tuck over to the house daily, while we work on it tuck is always right there, if i walk away he follows, even if I'm using the sander or saw he's there, no matter how loud it is.  Hes the best shadow I've ever had.

He protects me..
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The other day, the neighbors cat came over and when tuck saw it coming our way he stood stiff as a board and growled at him until he left. I was so surprised. Looks like I've got a body guard on my hands.

But Most of all...
He puts the Biggest smiles on my face everyday.
Even though he has already eatin my blow dryer, my socks, put chew marks in my shoes, and has given me the biggest bags under my eyes. I love This pup more than he knows.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

!Coming Soon! - To a Blog Near You.

This Is a picture of A young Couple Who just Signed there names Over 300 Times.. Literally, The only reason Why they're so excited is because.....

      As many of you know Jake and I bought our First home A month ago Today.
                   I haven't uploaded any pictures yet... Why you ask?
                                                A few Reasons .. Excuses :
           1. We're not even moved in yet
           2. I haven't uploaded ANY pictures onto my computer
           3. My computer has been dead for the past month because we cant find our cord for it a midst all the packing boxes
                    I was able to upload a few pictures onto my computer and hurry and post them before it died... Be Grateful!
PRESENTING...... The Bascom Residence 

No .. I know . It doesn't look like much.
But its our little Fixer upper and we LOVE it!
We've done A LOT so far .. and we still have A LOT more to go.
Don't be afraid, that bush that looks like it could eat you.. Its Gone and will soon be replaced by a beautiful tree.
As for the Inside... Well..
We Have :
Ripped Up the stinky smelly pee pee carpet..
Ripped out the poopy looking toilets.
Unfortunately ripped up the pretty looking linoleum
Made the Overly large "closet" down stairs a Bathroom
Moved the Laundry room upstairs
Added Electrical in the living room
.. and so much more.
  Its Not an "Easy" process to say the least. Once you start fixing one problem you find at least 5 more. Pepare yourself!

 Pictures WILL come eventually.
I'm Waiting..for the "after"
I'll be doing the "Before and After" pictures .. in time.
!Coming soon to the blog! 

Those of you, who are preparing to move or are looking for a home...Here are the "Will's" of the Process
You Will, find a house you fall in love with and it will slip through your fingers .. dont get emotionally attached until its YOURS
You will try your best to remember the date you have to be out of your apartment but will most likely forget until the day before.

While Packing : Attach a beeper or cell phone to your roll of tape, or you will loose it and NEVER find it.
Buy more than one sharpie marker you'll loose them too.
Don't be bummed when you realize that you have to move in with a family member when your house isn't move in ready.
with that said, While deciding the very few items of clothing you can bring along.. Choose Wisley!! Its Not EASY!

Dont Worry,
 Behind all of that the Home buying process isn't all that bad. IT is exhausting, expensive, emotional and frustrating.. but behind all of that, is all the FUN of it.
Moving into your very OWN home is one of the most exciting things You do as a Couple
.Dont forget to ENJOY the process!!!
And make the Memories Last.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

DIY - Chairs

DIY is in the Air

Before Jake and I got Married I was never really the DIY Type. I figured the time and money it takes you to make or redo something is just as much, if not easier to just go buy it at a store, already made and up to date. 
  Not True. 

As every newlywed will come to realize you have more important things to pay for other than decor and furniture for your home.
 Such as the:
Phone Bill - Yes we have forgotten to pay the phone bill, it was terrible
Water/Electrical- We haven't forgotten to pay the water or electrical bill probably because I'm allergic to being cold.
Gas- Its hard to forget to pay the gas bill when you're husband works for the gas company so that's a plus!
Food - When it comes to going food shopping I swear Jake and I are immune to not eating for weeks (in our own house). Our fridge is ALWAYS empty. Mainly because we're always up and running.

With that being said, I'm happy to announce the following:
Fact: Marriage WILL bring out the DIY in you!

On my Every Saturday routine full of neighborhood yard sales I make a Stop by the local DI and Yes I am one of the first ones there before the doors open its so common... I'm not embarrassed anymore.

I Know when some of you think of the DI you get the cringe face and think Smelly, Gross, Dirty, Seconds, Broken, Garbage. And YES the 80% of the DIs merchandise is all of that. BUUUT that other 20% are the Steals!!


Waaa waa waaaaaaaa..
(Sorry for the Terrible Picture Quality Its off of a camera)

Are you not Impressed ?.. yeah neither was I.

I got 4 of these Beautifully poopy ugly chairs for $2 Each, Do the math.
 a Whopping 8 Dollars!!! for UGLY Chairs!!! What a steal.. I know! 
Now before I convince you that I'm an Idiot for buying these terribley looking granny chairs, Let me Show you what being a DIY  really Means

$8 - 4 poopy chairs- DI
 $25- 4 bottles Primer and Satin Spray paint - Lowes
Free- Sand paper - dads garage, otherwise $5 at Lowes
$20- $5  each-cushion foam- Joanns
$12 - Your Choice of Fabric- Joanns

Grand Total $65  FOR... (Drum Roll Please)


Something Priceless..

I was getting a little frustrated at how much spray paint and primer I was going through..
so to make myself feel better about my purchase of poopy chairs I got on To try and find a similar looking style of chair to see if this REALLY was worth my time Come to find out it totally was.
BÖRJE Chair, birch, Gobo white Width: 17 3/8 " Depth: 21 5/8 " Height: 39 3/8 " Seat width: 14 5/8 " Seat depth: 16 1/8 " Seat height: 18 1/2 "  Width: 44 cm Depth: 55 cm Height: 100 cm Seat width: 37 cm Seat depth: 41 cm Seat height: 47 cm
I know this doesn't look A thing like my chairs but they are both upholstered and this chair  ALONE is going for $75 .. did I mention that that's a single chair for $75.
I was satisfied and fell in love with my poopy chairs all over again.

Whats In a Name?

Good Question.

 For Those of you who are undoubtedly wondering the reason behind our Blog name. Let me Splaine.

 By experience:
 The day you get your first pet or you have your first child,  you go into it with a list of names you've been working on sense you were little. And that list has finally come down to the one and only "THE NAME". But when you first see that dog or baby girl you look at them and say to yourself, "You don't look like a Sophie" or "You don't look like a Spot"... "Damn it". That's when you go back to your list and you then realize that none of the names you've thought of "Look" Like them at all, and that's when it just Comes to you. The name you've been trying to decide for years came to you in a simple look or thought.

            I went through that similar process, just in ten minuets. I knew I didn't want it to be the traditional "The Bascoms" . I wanted it to actually have meaning and relation to Me Jake and our future family.
 And I Thought I Loved you Then...

That title isn't just the song Jake and I danced to at our wedding, But its what I often think when I take a step back from our crazy lives and realize how much I have been blessed with. I Thought I loved it then.. what about now!? There is always so much more in you're life than you think.
                                                Take your step back.

.. Is this thing On?!

.. Well I have officially joined the blogging world. Why you ask?..

The Excuse, Truth

well, I just needed ONE more thing to waist my time on other than Facebook and Pintrest. Note: This may become an issue.

The ACTUAL Reason-

 Behind me becoming a blogger is simply because ever sense Jake and I got married we have entered a new world and disappeared from existence.. or so we've heard. It Happens what can you do....? BLOG! The definition: "A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life."- pulled from the trusty web

               Every time I see someone I haven't seen since our wedding they ask the following:
                                                      "What have you been up to?"
                                                      " Hows the Married Life?"
                                                      "When are you having Kids?"
                                                        and I think to myself..

                                            "I haven't seen you sense our wedding which was almost a year ago, and you want me to tell you what i have been up to sense then?" Well by all means make yourself very comfortable."
                                         "Hows the married life? Well what do you expect me to say? It sucks!? Whats going through your mind right now?" (note) this isn't a bad question I Just wonder what they would do if I answered.. "TERRIBLE!".. I have yet to try that.

                                          "KIDS!!!!??? Excuse me, I'm pretty sure that We JUST got married and I'm only 20.. I dint think I'm ready for that."

                               The words that ACTUALLY come out of my mouth:
                                                       The Simplified Truth

                              " Ohh.. Not much, Just working" -Lie
                      "Its So good! We're Loving it!" - Truth along with it comes so much more (Just keeping it simple)
                                    "Oh I don't Know, When the Time is Right" -Truth
                         (All Newly weds can Vouge for me on these questions)
                                                   On a Lighter note

 I have High Hopes That my posts will become more clear to everyone reading as time goes on because as you saw by the title of this post.. I have NO CLUE what so ever as to what I'm doing. But i figured with my blogging savy sister who has an amazing blog titled Body Of a Mother, I'd survive.