Pretty Little Penny

Monday, February 27, 2012

Its Been a Minute...

Oookay so its been a month give me a break
a girl can only do so much..
clean the house
take out the trash..
In my case
be so consumed with a TV show that nothing else seems to matter

Its sad and rather pathetic
If you're looking for a good way to waist your time other than
take this show
It WILL consume your life

Jake and I have seriously been obsessed with this show
I blame this for my absence
moving on.

My time hasn't been all waisted

A few posts ago I told you I was working on a project for my bathroom ..
its finished

I'm going to go ahead and call this one my stumper project
well this project became my worst enemy
not only because it took me forever and plus some to finish it
but because this project believe it or not had more dead ends than I had imagined

It started with this little sucker

Have you ever tried to take a pallet apart?
Yeah.. Everyone on pintrest makes it look simple

 let me help reality smack you in the face a little..

It is NOT easy.. those nails attaching it are absolutely not meant to come out,

but with a nice hammer and handy husband
 and of course
 a couple of profanities
You'll get it apart
I used the skill saw to get the edges off only because I didn't need the full piece
made my job a little easier
after you get the pieces needed apart those rusty stubborn nails are still going to be around
once again your hammer will be your best friend with this project
Okay.. any Ideas of what this nightmare is turning into?

Yes ladies and Gents
I'm shooting for a "Pallet Shelf"

I immediately fell in love with the "rustic look"
and this little star. I'm not sure what its supposed to stand for but I liked it
You re Mine!

I applied the back anchors on my 3 main pieces
And Nailed away

Soon enough (a week later)
My project looked half way complete
(I'm not sure why my hood is wrapped around the front of my neck like its cute or something)
Alright, It may or may not look easy to you by this point in the game but let me inform you that
just moments after the snap of this picture, was the Snap of my shelf

the weight of the top shelf ripped off causing  the majority of the project to fall to pieces..
and so did the project

I went to the one and only
Lowes and got 3 clearance hooks for a steal

I don't have the process pictures but the
 finished project
D r u m R o l l

Hanging in its assigned placement ?
psh, are you joking?
We haven't even figured out how to hang it yet

Husband has a "few Ideas"
I guess we'll tackle that one this weekend

This project was ridiculous
broke 3 of my drill bits
took me almost a month to finish
(partly because I hated it and found every reason NOT to work on it)
snapped a countless number of screws
and the worst part of it all
it still isn't finished

a midst the terrible project:

When Jake and I bought our home,
Along with the carpet, the floors, the paint and everything else that had to get ripped out
we had a "pretty little tree" in our back yard that quite possibly could have qualified as the ugliest tree standing in utah
Thats not it.. but its close enough

Jake and I  have put off cutting it down only because it just wasnt our number one priorty

But i came home to quite the surprise over the weekend:


Tree Down

Oh I couldnt beleive my eyes!!
Best husband award for cutting down the ugly tree
and SO much more!

Tucker and Aspent Turned into Beavers for a day
and help shread the remains
What great little helpers they were!

We're Red Necks.. I know....

Any Ideas on how to hang the stumper project?
Whats your favorite tv show?

Friday, February 3, 2012

::That Moment When::

You Know those "Oh Crap"  moments when you finally get situated and you realize that something is missing?

Here's a few examples

-You sit down on the couch, get comfy.. have a nice bowl of cereal to eat and you have Everything all set to go except... the remote that is on the other end of the room.
"Oh Crap"

-You climb into bed get warm and start to drift off into a nice sleep when you realize you forgot to brush your teeth and go to the bathroom.
"Oh Crap"

I'm sure there are some better ones out there  but those are the ones that seem to happen to me on a regular day basis.
I'm so

Well Today I got to experience something along the same lines..

The weekend project from 3 weekends ago has come to a halt
Well let me explain
This particular project was made specifically for the upstairs bathroom
and just when I was about to complete the project

Helpful Husband Jake
"Well Jess, Don't you want to wait until we finish the bathroom painting before you do anything with your project?"

Husband your so Smart! S. M .R. T!

So with hopes a little low, I left weekend project in the garage to collect dust..
 yet again.

When I got home
I sat and stewed about the fact that I couldn't finish the project

that's when I got the "bright idea" to do something about it.

Went to the store:
Shook the paint
Got the paint brushes ready
Cleaned out the bathroom
and went to poor the paint into the tray and then!!!!

"Oh Crap"

What tray!?
I was all set to go except for the dang paint tray!

So meanwhile going to Lowes and grabbing a paint tray,

my bathroom was left looking a little like this

Sad.. Empty

The most horrific sight.
Rather sad if you ask me and anyone who has been in that bathroom


As I sprinted up to the check out line at Lowes and slapped the paint tray down
the 99 center paint tray to be exact.

The man looked at me and laughed saying
"man BIG spender today!"

Ask me if I was in the mood...
Not only was Check out man "funny". As I walked out of Lowes Mother Nature decided to be "funny" as well

With Paint tray in hand A STRONG gust of wind decided to snatch my paint tray and take it swirling down parking lot

So if you drove past Lowes and witnessed a maniac running through the parking lot... It was Me


Got the:
Paint tray (liner)

Back in action!

The reason behind my rushed self is because I wanted to finish before Husband got home
which was at Five

I had a good 2 hours to finish

Okay let me explain why I took this embarrassing picture

Reason #1: We have documented everything we have done to our house so i was..

I know your jealous of my hair and my scary kids scary kids shirt... Its not everyday your face matches your shirt.

Reason #2: See that little Square I'm holding... Its a paint brush..Not just any type of paint brush but
"THE paint brush"


Once again.. Ignore my face .. I figured if I was going to be in the picture I may as well make it worth it... now that I see it.. It wasn't
I'll just admit I wanted a "myspace worthy" picture

See the edge
The edge of the mirror..
How on Earth are you supposed to paint that without "smugging" all over the mirror!?

Ladies and Gents
THE paint brush

Lookin good in the neighboorhooooood!
Use that baby for every edge in your house and it'll look Flawless!

Now when I started I knew I wanted to do stripes
thanks to the inspiration given
Sister In Law Jac

I threw the tape up and measured about 11 ' thick stripes on the back wall

getting those suckers straight was possibly the hardest thing to do

but I succeeded
and with Minuets to spare before Husband Walked into the door.

Bathroom Complete

Stripe wall from the ground up

Looking Into the Bathroom
Note: Stripe wall in the mirror

Looking out From Inside the Shower

Quick Comparison



Okay.. NOW I can Finish My project!

Have a Good Weekend Everyone!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Out of Commission

The Measuring Tape
The Drill
The Hammer
The Skil Saw
The Staple Gun
and of course
The Gorilla Glue
Along with 3 separate "weekend" projects
Oh.. And the Blog

Have all Collected dust the past two weeks!
Its Depressing
Why have all these handy tools collected dust?


Reason 1-

We recently re discovered the love we have for
Super Nintendo
Just over TWO weeks ago Jake and I "Borrowed" the wonderful game system  and cant stop playing
Its an issue...
Jake keeps trying to convince me that he loves me "that much"
each time he beats a level
Hey.. I'll take it!
I wont deny it does bring out the worst in us every time we loose Yoshi or get killed by falling into hot lava
there is an occasional scream of
"Damn it"
"I've gotta good feeling about this one"
"Oh my gosh!"
"Jump, Jump!"
"This flying carpet is a freaking joke!"
The theme songs to our dreams are most definitely

We're Pathetic

Reason 2:

With Amazing Husband Jake Working as hard and long as he does with school and work and my hours at work
we have reached an all time low on hours of sleep.

Yes I allowed the little snot up on the couch with me..
I blame how delusional I've been
He made for a great cuddle buddy though

apparently a better cuddle buddy than I am...
I'm slightly offended

Reason 3-

Last Weekend Everyone went out of town ..
Except for the Bascoms

So we played Mom and Dad
for my Little Brothers
and my sisters Twins


Its a Lot harder than it looks...
I applaud my sister for these two
they were definitely a handful... But a hand full of joy (every blog needs a cheesy line)
but between my brothers and the twins.. we survived
It wasn't to hard.. They entertained themselves for the most part.. mainly Jamison

Don't worry I asked his permission before posting this I'm sure he'll hate me when he's older
But its almost "V" day and lets face it.. this kid is a heart breaker


Yes..all that excitement has been exhausting but it hasn't put a stop to any DI runs

Last week my amazing find was.. well.. quite amazing!!
Although it was a huge bust each time I went.. mainly because i just didn't have the motivation
But this "Little" find put a smile on my face

awww how preeeettyyy!

Other than pretty princess in blue
..DI was a no go..
As for the projects.. I'll catch up
next post WILL have a project .. and that's a promise!
Hope everyone has had a great couple of weeks!!