Pretty Little Penny

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Blackest of all Fridays....

I Hope everyone survived this years Black Friday!
And Turkey day!

We Bascoms
Spent Thanksgiving with amazing family and friends.
and I cooked an actual meal
other than my basic

Ramen noodles
Mac n Cheese
hot pockets... we're healthy eaters

But I was put in charge of Yams this year for Thanksgiving and Who woulda thought that...
could turn into...
I was surprised myself...

As for Black Friday, we went and scoped out the infamous
Walmart and Target
and it was a definite "no go"
it was probably around 9:30 pm when we drove past and the lines were already
around the block.. I didn't wanna get killed this year

But.. The next morning I told myself I was going to face the crowds
(hoping they wouldn't be to bad)
Dream on right..

Jake and I have been in dying need of a new camera sense we got married.
We've been using the camera he took on his Mission and It just wasn't in the best of shape

screws were falling out the side
had a cracked screen
You had to hold the battery in place
we were desperate.

100% of the pictures on this blog were taken with my phone
nope that was a lie 98%
the dresser pictures were from the camera
but that's beside the point.. the point is we NEEDED a camera.
I figured Smiths Meyer would be the best place to start...
by the time I entered the parking lot and had gotten to the doors

I had been called "names"
Flipped off
Nearly hit by a car
glared at.

people are insane!

I went straight to the electronics and found a camera that was perfect!
$80 off the original price..
so I walked around the counter and asked the woman who LOOKED like ..well...
If she could get one of the cameras from the display
when out of now where came this sly little remark from behind my shoulder
who SOUNDED a lot like the picture seen above
Evil Woman: "BI***"
I slowly turned and said
Me: "umm excuse me?"
Evil Woman: "I was going to get that camera"
Me: "Well there is more than one, I didn't get the last one"
Evilness: "Well you stole my spot in line!"
... Of course I did! 
I stole your camera and your spot in line...
no.. no I did not!
After that horrific trip to Smiths Meyer 
I came out with
 a few bruises, Lower confidence level and!!..

 Yes.. the camera!


Remember The last post how I told you I would post pictures of the bathroom once they were uploaded...
That was a lie sorry...
But here is my apology

Your favorites..Before and After

I'm sure I've explained this before but lets recap
When we bought the house it didn't have a main level bathroom and the first thing when you walk into the door was this beautiful overly large closet/room/ timeout room/ whatever you want to call it just ugly sad room.

Wait for it....

Ignore the Tools on the sink.. didn't want to move them..

Boom Boom Pow!

From the Inside

Replaced -Linoleum with tile
Ran sewer and water lines from the basement up to the "awkward closet"
Mirror-Garage Sale
Toilet- Standard pluming
Add a little paint and bead board...
and we've got ourselves a main level bathroom
I have the Husband to thank for the beautiful work

He did an amazing job!!
As for the rest of our weekend
We spent it with friends at the Brick Oven in Provo followed by a dollar movie.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

..The Joys of Before and After..

1 Year and 4 days ago...
okay so I'm a little behind


1 year ago on Friday Jake and I got Married

K, now for those of you who just recently got married I'm telling you now..

You will enter a state of shock when you hit your one year mark.
You'll ask yourself:

"I made it!?"
"Is this real life?"
"I lived with a boy/girl for over a year?!"
"What did we do the past year?"

etc. etc. etc.

And I thought I loved Him then...


 Like I told you in the Previous Post, I'd post the pictures of the
Bathroom/ Awkward closet space
My DI Dresser
well.. I will.. but they are currently uploading so we'll begin with this weekends project
awww prettttyyyyy Light fixture!!

Yes.. We only have 1 functional light bulb

This would be located in the upstairs guest bathroom..
(we treat our guests with the highest of quality)
It makes me sick too.. but just wait!!!
it gets better...

Ta daa!
I didn't know that light bulbs came in different textures!!

these in particular came in fuzzy black fur!
aka: DUST

Enter Gag reflex HERE:


Now Now...I know your thinking..

"if we're guests at the Bascoms we'll come home with a disease"

No.. its not true.. we decontaminated!

I want to Find the electrician of this home and smack him upside the head with a 2x4

Now.. I'm no electrician but even I know this isn't "right"

I guess he couldn't find the center, so he just drilled across the top of the mirror
I applaud him for his efforts

my apologies for the poor picture quality..
we didn't really have much LIGHT to work with!

with my steal of deal....

$5 Dolla!!? What could it be!!!?

ahh Yes.. My DI steal over the summer has finally found its place at home.
*Now accepting guests in the Bascom residence*


I have been searching HIGH and LOW for a wreath for my sad naked front door..

I went to every store I could possibly think of and found.. Sqqquaat!
So I took things into my own hands..

I bought a foam ring from the local crafts store and my search began yet again

not for a wreath but for non other than pine cones!

I was shooting for "free" stolen pine cones but they all looked like.. well..
So there I found myself at the dollar store..
If you go there looking for pine cones..
you wont find them,
I bought em out.
Good luck on your search.

Let the Hot gluing begin!
 once I reached this point in the process I realized that that white foam stuck out like a SORE THUMB

Entering... Spray Paint!

It Worked out wonderfully..  

I placed it...

My once "naked door" became complete!

Please ignore the unpainted spot on the bottom right corner..
we'll paint later!


Now for the Dresser..
Remember. this.?
A little Bit of this...

and this....




Sunday Afternoons... Lovely Hair do's "donts"... High school t-shirts

Sunday Naps...

while transferring things from the old dresser to the new
I found... "The jersey"

My very first soccer jersey from the team non other named
Charley's Angels ..
Yes.. we were 6 and chose our own team name..
I couldn't help but dress tuck up..
Definitely the highlight of that day.

He only cooperated for the bone I was bribing him with..
Note: Sink in the Middle of the living room floor.. dont worry, thats normal in our home..  It Will be placed in its propper place within the week

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tis... The... Cold Season

I'm Not sure if You have Walked into Your Local Smiths store
Or any other Store for that matter..

If you have,
I'm sure that wall of Cinnamon spice has slapped you in the face.
and made you realize that its time to get your butt in gear
and start buyin for Christmas..
or for many
Even put up your Christmas Tree!

For us Bascoms..
It hasn't really taken any effect.
Other than..

I'm sure by that look you all know where we're headin..

Ahhh yes.. The Vet, But This isn't just any visit to the Dr. For Tuck
Its his LAST one For the Year... Or lets hope at least.

Tuck did Awesome at the Dr.- Met a few friends, Nipped at the Nurse, and Got a pretty new Tag..

I think he earned whats coming..

PETCO run!
Now.. I went into this expecting us to go up and down
every isle at LEAST 5 times.

But Tuck knew Exactly what he wanted,
when he chose it I thought..
 "oh no.. drop it.. drop it.. please"
I tried showing him other toys and treats.. 
 but man that pup has attitude.
he would sniff and stick his snobby nose in the air and proceed to play with Decision #1...

So being the nice push over of a mom I am .. we made the purchase and went home..

I'm glad at least one of us is happy with it..

Let me Explain.
Tucks weight for this week was 35 lbs..
 the weight of the rope ball = 35 lbs!
Tuck Loves it.
It loves Tuck
Tuck Is black
The ball also has black.
Lets face it... It was meant to be. 

Now for the undoubting self explanitory questions of the title..
Jake has Been sick all week, with
 head aches,
 sniffy noses,
swollen eyes,
and a
scratchy voice
Attractive.. I Know..
Well.. I got it Too!
Who would have thought Living with someone who is sick Ironically enough gets you sick!!!!

I blame this...

Well that didn't stop us!
This Pretty little DI purchase was my weekend project.
I've been looking Everywhere for a long dresser like this for our bedroom and finally
came across this $15 one at the DI
While sniffing and nose dripping I painted the purchase and am quite pleased
Finished Product pictures to come!
(its currently drying in my Garage)


Handy Husband Jake Was working on our formally known as
 "random overly large Closet space"
and Transforming it into our future main level bathroom!
It still needs quite a bit of work but so far
we've hung half the bead board
Framed in the mirror
and laid the tile
Like I said " it still needs quite a bit of work"
Finished Product picture To come.

These are our typical weekend outfits.. Don't judge
and know we actually do get ready for the day... Occasionally.

This is the extent of that Cinnamon spice Effect..
Here is a quick sneak peak of our Christmas Family Pictures
Look For your Christmas Card in the Mail!

We're so thankful for the Brother in Law John Boy for taking these pictures!
We're so excited about them!
Have a good Week!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

::..The Smallest Things..::

   The Smallest Things?...
This video will explain:

 WARNING: Watch Video Before proceeding, Do Everything he tells you!

Like my boy Shawn Stevens Said, "Life is meant to be ENJOYED!"

 Because it's the smallest things in life that make it that much more enjoyable!
such as...
Time, Sleep, Laughs, Family, Friends, Fitness,  and Change

Hope the week went well for everyone with the Day light savings FALL back,
and that you Enjoyed that
extra hour of sleep.

Now I don't know how many of you have that annoying internal alarm clock that goes off in your head
screaming " expletive after expletive your late for work your late for work!"
I do..
It could possibly be the death of me.
Arrive at work: Dark outside
Leave work: Dark outside

I never seeeee thhee liiigghhhtt!!

okay its not that bad.. on an occasional "sleep in" day I get to see a little sliver of
 it peak over the mountain
This is the extent of my day light ..
Not complaining though!

We Bascoms had a great weekend, we spent it with great friends and amazing family!
when I arrived at my parents house last Sunday I saw these little jokers!...

The conversation went as follows:
Jess: "guys what are you doing in your Halloween costumes?
"it's past Halloween you dorks!"
... No reply
Jess: "k, you guys are weird (nervous laugh)"
Then as I glanced over into the living room I see all 3 of my brothers...
Thinking: If they are over there then..
 "whhhhaatt??!... Thhheeeeee.???? Efffffffffffffff" is that!!?"

Fake.. completely fake.....

Yes I felt like an idiot.. but anyone else would have!!

My clever little brothers built these little suckers and took them trick or treating with them for


Only my family... I am proud


I'm almost as proud of my DI Find a few months back This cute chandelier
as you can see, and have seen from older posts, has been struggling for quite sometime
without the light covers..
looked kinda poopy

But this weekend that all changed!
Yayy! Not so poopy! It looks a ton better and little bit more" homey"


Last week I got this weird spurt of motivation...
.. that's weird in itself.. I know!
But I got the motivation to run a.... Marathon..(cringe)

Now it's always been on my bucket list to run a marathon (cringe) but ....well..
 Let's face it I've been too lazy to even think about it..

 yes by now I'm sure you're thinking
 "wow... good luck Jess"

but up until I talked with my crazy-fit sister Candice, who has a phenominal blog named "bodyofamother",  AND watched this highly motivational video...

Must Watch

I couldn't pass up the fact that I will be in a stinky van, awarded a Medal, ANNND given a Shirt! Who wouldn't wanna run for thhhhat?

Okay so I'm crazy and LOVE to run!
Don't judge me.
I'll be runnin laps around all y'all who can't get up off the couch!

 Along with the snotty self motivation, video, and fit sister Candice... came ..
I fell in love!
And how could you not!!!

Jake and I just started a new budget plan for ourselves
we have a (Blank) amount of dollars for the month to spend on anything for ourselves
and well.. sadly because of purchases early in the month my pretty shoes exceeded that amount:
 so the begging and pleading began.. Let the Games Begin!!
Jess's text: (picture as seen above) "pleeeaaasssee"
Jake Text: "only because you asked nicely.. how much?"
Jess's Text: "They are on sale... That's all I'm saying"
Jake's Text: " you have (blank) dollars.. That's all I'm saying"
Jess's Text:
"But but but.. they look sooo good on.. SEEEEE???"
Jake's Text: obviously worried and annoyed "How much?"
Jess's Text: "Just a couple of bones.." If you want to surprise me they are on hold at Smiths in the women's shoes.. I promise I'll act surprised!!"

To sum up the story.. I caved and went in debt for the month of  November..
I am convinced they make me run faster!
I've gotta keep telling myself that so I stay happy with my purchase

I have my pretty shoes, Got my work out Gear, Charged my I-pod, and Planned a new diet
What more do I need?!

Nothing is what I thought too..

I need to Register for the flippin race!

Unfortunately .. the statement of me " being to lazy to even think about it"..stated above
is still fact..
I procrastinated my registration for the full marathon until the last second and well..
Believe it or not..there are a lot more crazy people out there who like to run
OTHER than me!

The race was Full! .. no full marathon for me!
But that wasn't going to stop me..

THAT.. My friends.. is the receipt for a Half Marathon..

I just paid money to run?.. throw up? limit unhealthy foods intake!?

On the plus side I'm getting a few free magazines!
So .. a few couple hundred bucks later..

I will be running two Half marathons
The Salt Lake Half in April
The Moab Half in May

so lets get this straight...
half Marathon + half marathon =.. FULL!
k so I'm crazy AND lame!
I've just gotta keep the motivation going okay?
All this Money talk is bringin my eye twitch back..

Hooray for Gift cards in the MAIL!

surprisingly enough the mail isn't always as depressing as everyone makes it seem.

I mainly posted this picture for one reason  .. okay two reasons
Reason #1: 10% and $10.. lucky number 10!!.. meant to be!
Reason # 2: that top card in the picture.. yeah its only 10% off my next purchase
but where?!??!? LOWES!
I could do a lot with that card.. cause I've got a house that needs some major TLC
I'll take what I can get

Jake and I bought our new toilet for our downstairs bathroom during my lunch break today
in hopes of "blitzing" on it this weekend

Stay tuned for the finished results!

In the Mean time.. I'll be Coming up with some ways to keep myself motivated for these Half marathons!
Wish me luck..