Pretty Little Penny

Thursday, November 10, 2011

::..The Smallest Things..::

   The Smallest Things?...
This video will explain:

 WARNING: Watch Video Before proceeding, Do Everything he tells you!

Like my boy Shawn Stevens Said, "Life is meant to be ENJOYED!"

 Because it's the smallest things in life that make it that much more enjoyable!
such as...
Time, Sleep, Laughs, Family, Friends, Fitness,  and Change

Hope the week went well for everyone with the Day light savings FALL back,
and that you Enjoyed that
extra hour of sleep.

Now I don't know how many of you have that annoying internal alarm clock that goes off in your head
screaming " expletive after expletive your late for work your late for work!"
I do..
It could possibly be the death of me.
Arrive at work: Dark outside
Leave work: Dark outside

I never seeeee thhee liiigghhhtt!!

okay its not that bad.. on an occasional "sleep in" day I get to see a little sliver of
 it peak over the mountain
This is the extent of my day light ..
Not complaining though!

We Bascoms had a great weekend, we spent it with great friends and amazing family!
when I arrived at my parents house last Sunday I saw these little jokers!...

The conversation went as follows:
Jess: "guys what are you doing in your Halloween costumes?
"it's past Halloween you dorks!"
... No reply
Jess: "k, you guys are weird (nervous laugh)"
Then as I glanced over into the living room I see all 3 of my brothers...
Thinking: If they are over there then..
 "whhhhaatt??!... Thhheeeeee.???? Efffffffffffffff" is that!!?"

Fake.. completely fake.....

Yes I felt like an idiot.. but anyone else would have!!

My clever little brothers built these little suckers and took them trick or treating with them for


Only my family... I am proud


I'm almost as proud of my DI Find a few months back This cute chandelier
as you can see, and have seen from older posts, has been struggling for quite sometime
without the light covers..
looked kinda poopy

But this weekend that all changed!
Yayy! Not so poopy! It looks a ton better and little bit more" homey"


Last week I got this weird spurt of motivation...
.. that's weird in itself.. I know!
But I got the motivation to run a.... Marathon..(cringe)

Now it's always been on my bucket list to run a marathon (cringe) but ....well..
 Let's face it I've been too lazy to even think about it..

 yes by now I'm sure you're thinking
 "wow... good luck Jess"

but up until I talked with my crazy-fit sister Candice, who has a phenominal blog named "bodyofamother",  AND watched this highly motivational video...

Must Watch

I couldn't pass up the fact that I will be in a stinky van, awarded a Medal, ANNND given a Shirt! Who wouldn't wanna run for thhhhat?

Okay so I'm crazy and LOVE to run!
Don't judge me.
I'll be runnin laps around all y'all who can't get up off the couch!

 Along with the snotty self motivation, video, and fit sister Candice... came ..
I fell in love!
And how could you not!!!

Jake and I just started a new budget plan for ourselves
we have a (Blank) amount of dollars for the month to spend on anything for ourselves
and well.. sadly because of purchases early in the month my pretty shoes exceeded that amount:
 so the begging and pleading began.. Let the Games Begin!!
Jess's text: (picture as seen above) "pleeeaaasssee"
Jake Text: "only because you asked nicely.. how much?"
Jess's Text: "They are on sale... That's all I'm saying"
Jake's Text: " you have (blank) dollars.. That's all I'm saying"
Jess's Text:
"But but but.. they look sooo good on.. SEEEEE???"
Jake's Text: obviously worried and annoyed "How much?"
Jess's Text: "Just a couple of bones.." If you want to surprise me they are on hold at Smiths in the women's shoes.. I promise I'll act surprised!!"

To sum up the story.. I caved and went in debt for the month of  November..
I am convinced they make me run faster!
I've gotta keep telling myself that so I stay happy with my purchase

I have my pretty shoes, Got my work out Gear, Charged my I-pod, and Planned a new diet
What more do I need?!

Nothing is what I thought too..

I need to Register for the flippin race!

Unfortunately .. the statement of me " being to lazy to even think about it"..stated above
is still fact..
I procrastinated my registration for the full marathon until the last second and well..
Believe it or not..there are a lot more crazy people out there who like to run
OTHER than me!

The race was Full! .. no full marathon for me!
But that wasn't going to stop me..

THAT.. My friends.. is the receipt for a Half Marathon..

I just paid money to run?.. throw up? limit unhealthy foods intake!?

On the plus side I'm getting a few free magazines!
So .. a few couple hundred bucks later..

I will be running two Half marathons
The Salt Lake Half in April
The Moab Half in May

so lets get this straight...
half Marathon + half marathon =.. FULL!
k so I'm crazy AND lame!
I've just gotta keep the motivation going okay?
All this Money talk is bringin my eye twitch back..

Hooray for Gift cards in the MAIL!

surprisingly enough the mail isn't always as depressing as everyone makes it seem.

I mainly posted this picture for one reason  .. okay two reasons
Reason #1: 10% and $10.. lucky number 10!!.. meant to be!
Reason # 2: that top card in the picture.. yeah its only 10% off my next purchase
but where?!??!? LOWES!
I could do a lot with that card.. cause I've got a house that needs some major TLC
I'll take what I can get

Jake and I bought our new toilet for our downstairs bathroom during my lunch break today
in hopes of "blitzing" on it this weekend

Stay tuned for the finished results!

In the Mean time.. I'll be Coming up with some ways to keep myself motivated for these Half marathons!
Wish me luck..

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