Pretty Little Penny

Monday, June 11, 2012

!!On the Horizon!!

Well My friends, Its been TO long.
I'm pleased to announce that I have fully re couped from the
over a month ago!

And I'm ready to get back in the game!

I have a lot of updating to do don't worry, we'll keep it to a minimum that way we can get back to the

Yes ladies and gents that is a balded "S"
Be excited, because I AM!

In my time of absence I promise I haven't been slacking!
I've had a lot of IDEAS running through my head as far as projects go!

While soaking up the sun with an ice cold dp A lot struck my mind but it quickly disappeared by splashes of the pool and
my goal to reach a golden brown this summer..-Fail .. getting there!

Along with the summer sun, our break has been full of trips and family time

Husband went on a trip down to Lake Powell (yes without me)  with some of his friends for a bachelor party!
 and ...IIIIIII... went for the exact opposite effect.. I headed to IDAHO! to visit the grandparents .. Yippeeee!!! Be Jealous!

Fact is.. my Grandpa is cooler than yours, I was that lucky girl on the back of his Harley!
It was nice to "get out"
Here is a few fun facts about Idaho:

The only gas station for MILES is in snow ville, by the one and only name :
 "Welcome to the Middle of Nowhere"
They don't believe in mirrors there... just signs that make you feel OH SO GOOD!!!
"Well now, Aint you Purdy"

While exiting the gas station, there is a sign that says the following (I kid you not)

Idaho: 254 Miles
Salt Lake: 367 Miles
Hell: 3 feet

I assure you I legitimately ran out of that gas station

Husband and I both made it home safe n sound

We've officially started thinking about what our "sad little front garden" needs
(sad is an understatement)


we're proud to announce, the Bascom Family Has a FIRE PIT!

Remember way back when, when I posted those embarrassing pictures of our sad little house? and there was that picture of a "sad excuse of a tree"... let me refresh your memory....

AHHHHH so pretttyyy!!! TWIG...

Well...We pulled the twig, and dug a lovely hole, and is now Officially
The "fire pit"
Pictures to come!
Our yard is slowly but surly coming together...

Along with Yard work came family get together and a lot of vitamin D!

Project on the horizon stay tuned!