Well, Its that time of year again!
Great Deals
Shopping Fights
Christmas music
Middle Fingers
Christmas Trees
.. wait That time of year started a month ago..
Okay, so we're a little behind the 8 ball, Its okay!
Better Late than Never!
No I haven't done ANY Christmas Shopping.. and Christmas is in how many days?
That, I don't even know.
The good news is, Jake and I finally got our Christmas Tree!
It was Quite the experience
We'll begin Here:
Dressed Warm and Excited to Go find a Tree!
I told Jake to look excited... That was the best he could do.
anyway, moving on....
We both decided to go to the same tree lot we bought our tree last year, Thinking it could become a "tradition" and go there every year.
Turns out each tree was 9 bones a foot.
Lets do some math here...
I'm 5'4 a tree my height... which isn't tall at all
is $50 dollars, We were hoping for at least 7 feet. which would be around 70 bucks
I was NOT about to spend 70 dollars on something I could have picked up off the side of the road no less than a week ago! ...
So a little upset, I told Jake to hurry and take my picture of
how I felt about there prices
I figured, I sounded like a boy (cold), looked like a boy (jakes jacket) I figured I should pretend to... well...
Now.. You may be wondering why I'm pretending to do this in front of that man in the background,
who just happened to be the owner of the lot ..
well, its because my sweet sweet husband didn't tell me!!!!
As I was standing there pretending to "do my business" the owner slowly walked around the corner and witnessed the whole thing.
Jake thought it was to funny to tell me and snapped the picture
I don't think we'll be returning to that lot anytime soon.
After laughing and zooming in and out at the mans face in the picture
cause we all know we do
we found ourselves at the local Smiths,
The trees Were Beautiful and no more than 30 bucks!!!
We found this pretty tree, and called it ours.
Jake did Bring a Jacket... Its just on me.. Don't judge
Before The Decorating......
I couldn't help myself..I made tucker take a few pictures.
What a good little model he was.
Onto the Decorating!
I went for the Gold and Red This year,
no particular reason other than the fact that all a dollar had the cutest ornaments so I got them.
Please Notice:
Tucker Under the tree,
and ornament on the ground
Its going to be a long two weeks.
No matter how many toilets are available or how much water is in his doggy dish
Tuck insists on drinking out of the water provided for the tree...
Jake and I have placed bets on who is going to die first
Tuck.. Or.. The Tree
I'm sure you all know who my bet was placed on
Jake Whipped up some Brinner!
Breakfast/ Dinner
We dubbed this our new tradition
To make Brinner every year of the night we decorate the tree
It was DELISH!
Flash Back!
Heres to our 2010 Tree
We went for the Skinny tall tree last year
With Green and Brown Ornaments
And Drum Roll Please!!
We went for the Bigger and Fatter
With Red and Gold
What Traditions do you have?
What color schemes did you use this year?
you and Jake are SOOO ADORABLE and your blogs make me smile. :)You two are perfect together!